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Custom Paywall Presentation in iOS with the Superwall SDK

Learn how to show paywalls in an embedded call-to-action, navigation controllers, in custom sizes or containers, and more.

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Jordan Morgan

Developer Advocate


For many apps, Superwall's built-in presentation options will be more than enough. Full modal presentations, "navigation" pushes, sheets and more cover most use cases.

But, what about those times where you need a custom presentation? The Superwall SDK has support for that too, and in this post — I'll show you how it's done on iOS. Specifically, in a SwiftUI app and using SwiftUI view types.

To learn how, we’ll cover how to take full control of the paywall presentation pipeline to:

  • Push a paywall onto a native NavigationStack:

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A paywall used in a navigation stack.

  • And, embed a paywall in another View to show an in-line trial offer:

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A paywall embedded within a settings view.

Here's what the flow looks like:

  1. We'll retrieve a paywall using the Superwall SDK.

  2. Then, we'll insert that into a UIViewControllerRepresentable.

  3. We'll specify that the representable should respect the SwiftUI layout and sizing system.

  4. Finally, we'll display that when and however we want.

Getting a paywall controller

The Superwall SDK presents paywalls using a UIViewController, which is a UIKit type. That's not a problem for SwiftUI apps, since there is full support for embedding them in a SwiftUI View.

First up, you’ll want to retrieve the paywall using the Superwall.shared.getPaywall(forEvent:params:) method. This allows you to get the paywall controller for the placement you provide. Here's a short example of how it works, and we'll build off of it:

func getPaywallFor(event: String) async {
    do {
        // Get the paywall that would show for a given placement... 
        let result = try await Superwall.shared.getPaywall(forEvent: event, delegate: self)
        self.paywallController = result
    } catch let skippedReason as PaywallSkippedReason {
        switch skippedReason {
        case .holdout,
    } catch {


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That's the basics — give Superwall the placement that would result in a paywall being shown, and get the instance of it. The getPaywall(forEvent:delegate:) also requires a delegate, which will tell us useful things like reasons why a paywall wasn't retrieved. We'll go over those details in a second.

With that in mind, to integrate with SwiftUI we'll use the Observable framework to house some logic that'll cover error handling, informing SwiftUI when the controller is retrieved and more. For many cases, you could copy and paste this class into your own app to handle custom paywall presentation and tweak it as you see fit:

class PaywallFetchManager: PaywallViewControllerDelegate {
    // 1
    var paywallController: UIViewController? = nil
    // 2
    var showAlternateUI: Bool = false
    // 3
    var userHasAccess: Bool = false 
    // 4
    var skipReason: PaywallSkippedReason? = nil

    func getPaywallFor(event: String) async {
        do {
            let result = try await Superwall.shared.getPaywall(forEvent: event, delegate: self)
            self.paywallController = result
        } catch let skippedReason as PaywallSkippedReason {
            switch skippedReason {
            case .holdout,
                self.skipReason = skippedReason
        } catch {

    // MARK: Paywall Delegate

    func paywall(_ paywall: SuperwallKit.PaywallViewController,
                 didFinishWith result: SuperwallKit.PaywallResult,
                 shouldDismiss: Bool) {
        if shouldDismiss {
            paywall.dismiss(animated: true)

        switch result {
        case .purchased,
        case .declined:
            let closeReason =
            let featureGating =
            if closeReason != .forNextPaywall && featureGating == .nonGated {


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Now, we could use an instance of this in our SwiftUI app to handle retrieving a paywall. Another thing to note here is this process is fast, since most of the time — the paywall is cached. Here's a few notes about the comments:

  1. This will represent the UIViewController of the paywall we fetched. Since, again, we're using the Observation framework, when it's set SwiftUI can react to that and show a controller.

  2. If there was an error, you may want to show another View or change your user experience.

  3. If the paywall shouldn't show because a user has access to a feature, or it's non-gated — then the Superwall SDK won't return a controller. Basically, the user has the "pro" feature and no paywall should show. This will occur in our delegate callback if the user purchases something from the paywall we show, too.

  4. Similar to point #3 above, but you'll get the specific reason here which is useful if you need more fine-grain control over the process.

You may not use each of those flags, but I provided them for completeness.

Here's a quick example of what it all would look like hooked up:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var manager: PaywallFetchManager = .init()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if let controller = manager.paywallController {
                // Show a representable of the controller
            } else {
               // Look at the error, or skip reason, and show something else
        .task {
            await manager.getPaywallFor(event: "some_placement")


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Creating a representable

Now, we'll need to wrap this in a UIViewControllerRepresentable so we can use it in SwiftUI:

struct SuperwallPaywallViewController: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    typealias UIViewControllerType = UIViewController

    var paywallController: UIViewController

    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController {
        return paywallController

    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIViewController, context: Context) {
        // Any update logic you might need. In most cases, you won't need this

    func sizeThatFits(_ proposal: ProposedViewSize, uiViewController: UIViewController, context: Context) -> CGSize? {
            let width = proposal.width,
            let height = proposal.height
        else { return nil }

        return CGSize(width: width, height: height)


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As we'll see in a minute, in some cases you may want to size the paywall in a particular way. To account for that, we'll need to forward that layout data to the representable. The sizeThatFits(_:uiViewController:context:) function takes care of that for us.

With that, we've got everything in place. Let's see the code for how to present our paywall controller in a native navigation stack, and in an embedded view.

Presenting in a navigation stack

Here's the paywall I'd like to show in a navigation stack:

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We'll follow the flow outlined above — fetch the paywall, and use in a native NavigationLink:

// Root of the navigation stack...
struct AccountsView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Form {
                // Existing UI
                NavigationLink("Account Settings") {

struct AccountSettingsViewExample: View {
    @Environment(PaywallFetchManager.self) private var manager

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section {
                VStack {
                    // Show the paywall during a push
                    NavigationLink("View Pro Benefits") {
                        if let c = manager.paywallController {
                            SuperwallPaywallViewController(paywallController: c)
                        } else {
            // More UI code...
        .task {
            // Fetch the paywall
            await manager.getPaywallFor(event: "caffeineLogged")


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And that's it! Here's the result:

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Pushing a Superwall paywall controller onto a navigation stack

Notice how we get all of the benefits of a native navigation stack, such as holding down the back button to pop to different views that are on the stack.

Presenting an embedded call-to-action

Another effective use-case is to show an a paywall with a clear call-to-action embedded in another view. Slopes wrote extensively about how going straight to the payment sheet (like Apple Arcade does) drove up trial starts:

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Slope's inline trial call-to-action

We can do the same thing here. First, we'll create a paywall in our editor with two things in mind:

  1. We'll make sure the user interface is centered.

  2. And, we'll give it an explicit height, and make sure it takes up with viewport's entire width.

Here's the example I came up with:

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Our call-to-action paywall

Again, notice the sizing I've set for the containing stack (100% of the viewport width, and a clear height of 240 pixels:

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Sizing our paywall

With that set, here's how we'd show that in our SwiftUI app:

struct OnRampView: View {
    @Environment(PaywallFetchManager.self) private var manager

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            if manager.userHasAccess {
            } else if let controller = manager.paywallController {
                SuperwallPaywallViewController(paywallController: controller)
                    .frame(height: 240)
                    .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 16))
            } else {
        .task {
            await manager.getPaywallFor(event: "showOnRamp")


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Notice the 240 points of height we used here, and in the paywall editor. Now, users can start a trial right there, without opening anything else:

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Starting a trial from an embedded paywall view

Wrapping It Up

Manually retrieving and presenting paywalls with Superwall gives you the flexibility to tailor the paywall experience to your app’s needs. Whether you use the built-in presentation options or create your own custom flow, the SDK provides the tools you need to integrate paywalls seamlessly into your app’s workflow.

Superwall is the best way to test these kinds of experiences. Next, you should try these techniques out with different paywall designs and products with just a few clicks. Testing them will help you grow your revenue. If haven't started with Superwall, you can for free — just sign up right here.

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Our customers refer to Superwall as their most impactful monetization tool. In their own words:


Thanks to Superwall, we were able to 2x our iOS app profitability in just six months. It has greatly assisted our growth team in achieving exceptional results by facilitating high-frequency experimentation.

Mojo launch
Bernard Bontemps, Head of Growth

Really excited about the progress we made recently on paywalls with Superwall. We got more than 50% increase in conversion for upsell screens. This is crazy.

Photoroom launch
Matthieu Rouif, CEO

Superwall has completely changed the game for us. We’re able to run experiments 10x faster and unlock the ideal monetization model for our users.

RapChat launch
Seth Miller, CEO

Superwall made testing paywalls so much faster. Instead of releasing a new version of the app each time, we were able to iterate on the winning paywalls much quicker. Thanks to that it increased our revenue per customer by 40%.

Teleprompter launch
Mate Kovacs, Indie Dev

Superwall lets us move 10x faster on our monetization strategy. We can build and launch multiple paywall iterations without the need for client releases or complicated deploys. Our product iteration loop is days, rather than months because of Superwall.

Citizen launch
Jon Rhome, Head of Product

Superwall enables Bickster’s marketing team to design and optimize app paywalls, freeing up engineering to concentrate on innovation. As a result, Superwall helped accelerate our install-to-subscription rates, lower engineering expenses, and cured our team’s frustration with the (once) time-consuming process of iterating on paywalls.

Bickster launch
Chris Bick, CEO

Superwall has revolutionized our monetization strategy. It’s an essential tool that allows rapid paywall testing and optimization, leading to remarkable improvements in our subscription conversions and revenue generation. Can’t recommend Superwall enough for any app-based business.

Coinstats launch
Vahe Baghdasaryan, Sr. Growth

Superwall has played an integral part of improving our subscription business. Compared to other providers, Superwall has proven superior in facilitating high-frequency experimentation allowing us to achieve an ideal monetization model, resulting in a significant increase in revenue.

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Nils Breitmar, Head of Growth

Superwall is the single greatest tool we’ve used to help us increase our revenue. Our material wins from Superwall are greater than any tool we’ve worked with to date!

Pixite launch
Jordan Gaphni, Head of Growth

Shout out to Superwall for helping us dial in our paywall — made a big impact on monetization, increasing revenue by more than 50% 💸

Polycam launch
Chris Heinrich, CEO

Superwall increases revenue. Full stop. Being able to test paywalls on the fly and quickly analyze results has drastically increased our revenue and improved our monetization of users. Highly recommend this tool!

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Zach Shakked, Founder
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  • Drag 'n Drop Paywall Editor
  • 200+ Paywall Templates
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  • 5,000 Conversions a Month
  • Drag 'n Drop Paywall Editor
  • 200+ Paywall Templates
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